Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Binding a Quilt - By Hand or Machine?

I've made a lot of baby blankets in the past and could install blanket binding well, but quilt binding is a little different. Most of the tutorials I found were on double-French binding. The first tutorial I found was from Vanilla Joy. It looked so easy, but I had to do further research on how to miter the corners. I found another useful tutorial from Sunshower Quilts. When installing this type of binding, you have to hand-sew the back of the quilt. Doing that will result in the best look. You can machine sew it, but you'll risk screwing up the look of the quilt.

Here's a video that I found helpful for machine sewing quilt binding.

I've found two different method of binding a quilt without hand stitching.
  1. Sew the binding to the front of the quilt. Fold the tape over and stitch in the ditch of the binding from the front.
  2. Sew the binding to the back of the quilt, then stitch the front with a blanket stitch.
So what is the best method? The hardcore may say that hand-stitching is the only way to go. I actually started hand-sewing my latest quilt project a week ago and have only finished half of it. I guess hand-stitching is great when you just want to relax and kill some time. But when you're in a hurry to finish a quilt for whatever reason like a gift deadline, installing the binding by machine is the way to go.

After I get a few more projects done, I may revisit this topic. Feel free to add your two cents in the comments!

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